Monday, July 16, 2012

Since I've been doing figure sketching recently and used to do comic book sketching I thought the SuperHero Revolution dance party by Circuit MOM would be a good excuse to sketch something out!

Hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Did a profile sketch.  Going to turn it into some kind of banner for the blog.  We'll see how it turns out

Friday, July 6, 2012

DCD Fashion

I actually enjoy figure drawing and fashion design, not from the lets make clothes perspective but from the 'lets figure out patterns and color blocking that compliments someones figure.'  So I will probably be doing more DCD label fashion items.  I have an almost unhealthy love of swim and underwear, so I decided to start there.

This, believe it or not, is my first time coloring a person.  I've done sketching and black and white shading, but never coloring until now.  Hope you like it!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Decided to get more into proportions and realistic details

Back At It

A really talented artist named Nickie Charles re-inspired me to start sketching again.  So I sketched this out when I was bored at work the other day.  Not too shabby for being out of practice and a rough 15 minute sketch.

Feather & Beads

A friend wanted help drawing up a tattoo.

"Good morning Dave."

Alright so, per suggestion and basically because some of the content to follow may not be facebook safe, I am going to start an art blog.  I hope this will help motivate me to continue to sketch and 3d model and render.  Hopefully this will entertain some of you as well.